Saturday, March 24, 2007

I missed my ride to Iowa with my mom and siblings. Don't worry! It wasn't an accident, it was planned! I am ADOPTED! That's me with my new mom, Leah! I am sure I will be lonely at first but I am sure my new mom will be more than happy to snuggle with me! Look at the photo, she's a natural cuddler! Thanks IBR for giving me a great new family!
Lots of love,
Annie Oakley Partridge

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

OH BOY! OH BOY! CAR RIDE! Today we start another journey! We are going to Memphis to Aunt Dawn's to stay a few days before we go on to Aunt Patty's. The next stop will be our permanent foster home! We hope to be in our furever homes soon - we have been practicing being good! Don't we look peaceful?

Monday, March 19, 2007
Puppy Breath----aawww!

Oh, they have THE BEST puppy breath!! And they are very loving and so good. They are learning not to cry too much - they just settle down and go to sleep when they are supposed to.
There will probably be only 4 - one may be adopted already - will let you know. That leaves the 3 boys and 1 girl. The girls in this group are pretty tough cookies - they don't hesitate to beat up on their brothers! The boys are usually the cry babies!
They are in that clumsy stage - good thing they are made of rubber! And their teeth are SO sharp! Thanks for having them sleep over - you will love them! And mom Shirley is so very sweet - she just wants someone to lean on all the time - it touches the heart!

Friday, March 16, 2007
Partridge Family Report!
Yeah, welllll...I think we overdid it yesterday, coz she was up all night having gargantuan stools that - yes of course - the pups wanted to PLAY in - don't know if there were any worms - I was too busy gagging to notice. OH. MY. GOD. I usually do not use His name in this context, but this is twice I have with this fostering business!!! I mean in God help me - what have I gotten into this time?!?!?! I have NEVER seen so much poop in my life. EVER. Seriously - even out of humans, and I've seen some dandies. It's a sea of poop - and today is my birthday - Happy Birthday, dear poopfeet, Happy Birthday to you! I just put on my rubber gardening clogs and waded right on in! Everyone will have to be bathed today - Shirley has poop on her head. I have poop on my head. Only Winnie and Jessie have enough sense to stay away - they are in the very back corner of the yard as we speak. And the SMELL!!! What the H........LL is that smell?! Ok, I have smelled dead worms before, and this aint it! Some kind of evil mamma dog enzyme or something? I do not remember this from when my dog had pups when I was little. Maybe this is why my mother said - "OH NO, ELI - YOU'RE DOING WHAT?!?!?!" Guess she had poop duty for all those childhood litters we had!! Ok, Mom - you were right (I am sending her a copy of this so she has it in writing) - I was wrong. Don't ever let me do this again - I mean it - swear - never again...somebody please help meeeee.......I have to go throw up, now - I just found poop between my toes! Love those babies - they are SO cute - they are barking and growling at each other like they are big bad dogs - makes it all worth it! maybe.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007
We have arrived!
Shirley and her Partridge Family kids have arrived safely in foster care and everybody was
extremely tired out!
I think Shirley will be relieved when she gets a bit more time to herself, as with five suckling puppies she's not gotten much lately.
Shirley is a good mommy and is very patient with her pups.
As you can tell, she's neglected to look out for herself, as she's extremely thin--but we're sure we will get her back up in weight in no time!

Here is a rather hilarious report from the Partridge family's foster mom of their transport and arrival:
I have sent a few photos - hope everyone got to see them. The puppies are adorable, of course! Already eating dry food!!! At 4 wks, 4 days old. I think Mom is getting a bit tired of them - they are relentless after the "boobies". She had a blast running around in the house and the yard without them. She was SO tired when we got in the car today - she literally fell asleep standing up half in and half out of the front seat. This was after I had to put my KFC lunch in the trunk to keep her from eating the car seats! But not before she sat on my drink with her icky post-partum booty! What IS that stuff, anyway - is that NORMAL?!?! Yuck - never had a baby, never will... I just had to give her a gentle push and she collapsed in the floorboard. Everyone (except me, of course) slept HARD for about 2 hours, then the crying began!!! One of the ones with the spot on the head is a SCREAMER. I stopped at a cemetery to try to let the screamer nurse - it turned into mayhem - it is REALLY hard to keep five wiggly pups and a hyper mom contained in a car by yourself!!! Next time, I will have to take a helper along. And they were actually BURYING someone during all of this!! Thank goodness the family had gone and it was only the grave-diggers there! Can I not have a normal, event-free foster experience?!?! She was fine with my girls for the first couple of hours, then she suddenly got nasty with them - I think because of the pups. She is currently chilling in the dog room with the kids. She is really sweet, but is a counter-surfer supremo! And she has jumped up in the middle of my dining room table twice trying to get to a bowl of banty eggs I have there for decoration. She kept jumping up on the desk at the vet's and helping herself to the cookie jar! It's like she has springs in her feet or something! She is already pointing everything birdy in sight. I think she is fond of men - she grovels and acts like a hussy for my buddy David. Anyway, will keep y'all posted!

Upcoming Attraction!!
Gorgeous mom Shirley was found pregnant and wondering the streets. She had her five puppies on February 9, 2007.

The Partridge family is joining Illinois Birddog Rescue today---here is a quick peak at the kids: Keith, Laurie, Danny, Chris and Tracy. Welcome to IBR little ones!!!
